我們一次捐款採用《生命恩泉》團隊參與「多倫多湖濱馬拉松及步行籌款」的捐款平台作為「跟隨基督 — 漁夫召集大會」的捐款平台。這個由豐業銀行贊助的網上捐款平台不收取我們任何信用卡手續費,所以你的善款將會全數捐贈給《生命恩泉》。**
《生命恩泉》於2021年 8月13-16日 舉辦首屆「跟隨基督 — 漁夫召集大會」— 一個網上使徒福傳大會。透過大會期間的直播節目、主題講座以及三十多個預錄講座/見證,希望聚集全球的華裔天主教徒,齊心學習及回應上主對我們的召喚去跟隨祂,並成為漁人的漁夫,往普天下去宣傳福音。今年大會的主題是 「我將派遣誰呢?」 (依撒意亞 6:8)。
** We are using Fountain of Love and Life team’s fundraising site at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon and Walkathon as our fundraising platform for the “FollowChrist Fishers Summit” for one-time donations. This online fundraising platform sponsored by Scotiabank will not charge us any credit card processing fees, which means 100% of your donation will benefit FLL.”**
Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) is organizing the “Follow Christ Fishers Summit”, an online evangelization conference, from August 13 to 16, 2021. Through live online events, keynotes, and over 30 pre-recorded talks and witnesses, Chinese Catholics from around the world will gather together to learn and respond to Jesus’ call to follow Him and become fishers of men. The theme of this year’s summit is: “Whom shall I send?” (Isaiah 6:8).
Besides joining this Summit, we hope you can also support us financially. Our vision is to build a systematic and sustainable model and infrastructure for continuous community learning. Doing so involves a lot of investments in developing the formational programs and teaching materials, building the IT infrastructure, forming online learning communities, the training of spiritual leaders and more.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated! We sincerely hope to have your continuous support and partnership.